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Leann Sebald
• I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania where I was involved in Young Life during high school; my young life leader was the first woman to disciple me
and our times together transformed my understanding of grace.
• I moved to NYC to attend Marymount Manhattan College and graduated with a BA degree in dance, concentrating in “body, science & motion” with minors
in biology and psychology.
• After graduating college, I decided to go on staff with The Navigators and completed two years as an EDGE Corps Intern at New York University. Having
been open to long-term ministry from the beginning and feeling
• My favorite thing about my job is discipleship. While it has its hardships, there is probably nothing I love more than deeply relating to women over
scripture, as we discover its profound truths and apply them to our lives. The three women that I met with consistently my first year on staff have all
graduated, but remain some of my closest friends!
• I’ll never forget leading my first freshmen study on campus. I sent out some texts before the study inviting people to join and one girl who had severe
social anxiety ended up joining our group, because she read my text and saw that we were meeting in the room right next to hers! That night she ended
up crying with us as she shared how she was wrestling with the anniversary of her father’s death. I was grateful that God brought her to us that night!
• I love having faith conversations; though as an introvert I struggle to initiate them with strangers. One spring during our outreach time on campus I felt
the Spirit stirring in me to practice boldness in this area. That day I met a student who was so hungry for spiritual conversation that we talked for 3
hours! We became friends and her interest grew as we talked about Jesus more. A highlight for me was when she attended our fall retreat and asked for
prayer to be able to understand the kind of love that existed in our community.
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